How to Change Font Color in Markdown

Learn to change font color in Markdown using HTML tags, extended syntax, or CSS styles. Each method offers flexibility for different needs and tools.

How to Change Font Color in Markdown

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Markdown is a lightweight markup language widely used for writing documents and creating web content. However, the standard Markdown syntax does not directly support the feature of changing font color. Fortunately, with some extensions and tools, we can achieve this effect in Markdown. This article will introduce several common methods.

Method 1: Using HTML Tags

Markdown allows embedding HTML tags, so we can directly use HTML to change the font color in a Markdown file. Here is a simple example:

<span style="color: red;">This is red text</span>

In this example, we used the HTML <span> tag and set the font color to red via the style attribute. You can replace red with other color names or hexadecimal color codes as needed.

Method 2: Using Extended Syntax

Some Markdown editors and platforms support specific extended syntax to change font color. For example, GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) does not support changing font color directly, but some third-party tools and editors may provide this functionality.

For instance, when using Pandoc (a powerful Markdown conversion tool), you can use the following syntax:

[This is blue text]{.blue}

In this example, we used Pandoc's custom style syntax, setting the font color to blue with {.blue}. You need to ensure that your Markdown editor or conversion tool supports this syntax.

Method 3: Using CSS Styles

If you are using Markdown in a web page, you can change the font color through CSS styles. First, use HTML tags to mark the text that needs to change color in your Markdown file:

<span class="red-text">This is red text</span>

Then, define the corresponding style in your CSS file:

.red-text {
  color: red;

This way, you can flexibly control the font color in your Markdown document and reuse CSS styles.


Although the standard Markdown syntax does not support changing font color directly, by embedding HTML tags, using extended syntax, or applying CSS styles, we can achieve this effect in Markdown. The method you choose depends on your specific needs and the tools you are using. I hope this article helps you better master the techniques of changing font color in Markdown.