How to Change Text Color in Markdown

Standard Markdown doesn't support text color changes, but you can use HTML <span> tags, custom CSS, or Markdown extensions to add color. These methods enhance the visual appeal of your documents.

How to Change Text Color in Markdown

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Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is simple and easy to use, but it doesn’t directly support changing text color. Although standard Markdown syntax doesn’t include color and style specifications, we can achieve text color changes through some workaround methods in different contexts. This article will introduce several common methods to change text color in Markdown.

Using HTML Tags

Markdown allows the direct embedding of HTML tags, which is the most common workaround. By using HTML <span> tags and the style attribute, we can easily modify text color.


This is regular Markdown text.

<span style="color: red;">This is red text.</span>

<span style="color: blue;">This is blue text.</span>

When the Markdown is rendered as HTML, the portion containing the <span> tags will display the specified colors.

Using Custom CSS

Another method is to use custom CSS styles to change text color. This requires you to have the ability to add or modify CSS files in the environment where you are using Markdown. For instance, on a blog or personal website, you can define a CSS class and then reference it in Markdown.

Example CSS:

.custom-color {
  color: green;

Example Markdown:

This is regular Markdown text.

<span class="custom-color">This is green text.</span>

When the page loads, the custom CSS style will make the text with the class custom-color display as green.

Using Markdown Extensions

Some Markdown extensions or tools provide support for text coloring. For example, parsers like "Markdown-it" allow syntax extensions through plugins to support additional functionality.

Using Markdown-it, you can change the text color through plugins:

const MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it');
const markdownItAttrs = require('markdown-it-attrs');

const md = new MarkdownIt();

const markdownText = `
This is regular Markdown text.

{This is red text:color=red}

{This is blue text:color=blue}

const result = md.render(markdownText);

Although this method requires additional installation and configuration, it allows for more flexible and complex text styling.


Although standard Markdown syntax does not support directly changing text color, by using embedded HTML tags, custom CSS, or Markdown extensions, we can still meet this requirement. Choosing the method that suits your context can make Markdown documents more expressive and visually appealing.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact me!