How to Open Links in a New Tab with Markdown

Learn to open Markdown links in new tabs using HTML tags, JavaScript, or Markdown extensions. Each method caters to different environments, ensuring compatibility and functionality across various Markdown platforms.

How to Open Links in a New Tab with Markdown

"Why struggle with Markdown formatting? Our free tools make it easy to create beautiful, professional-looking documents in seconds."

Markdown is a lightweight markup language widely used for writing documents and creating web content. Its simple syntax makes it very easy to create links. However, Markdown itself does not directly support the feature of opening links in a new tab (or new window). This article will introduce several methods to achieve this, so that users can open links in a new tab when they click on them.

Method 1: Using HTML Tags

Markdown allows embedding HTML code, so you can use the standard HTML <a> tag to create a link and specify the target="_blank" attribute, which will cause the link to open in a new tab.

<a href="" target="_blank">Visit Example Website</a>

The advantage of this method is its simplicity and directness, suitable for all environments that support Markdown.

Method 2: Using JavaScript

If you have the permission to add JavaScript in your Markdown document, you can use JavaScript to achieve opening links in a new tab when clicked.

[Visit Example Website](

document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(function(link) {
  link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');

The downside of this method is the need to add JavaScript code to the document, which may not be suitable for all Markdown editors or rendering environments.

Method 3: Using Markdown Extensions

Some Markdown editors or rendering engines provide extension features that allow you to customize the behavior of Markdown. For example, some editors may support opening links in a new tab through configuration files or plugins.

[Visit Example Website]({:target="_blank"}

The availability of this method depends on whether the Markdown editor or rendering engine you are using supports this extended syntax.


Although Markdown itself does not directly support opening links in a new tab, you can easily achieve this functionality by using HTML tags, JavaScript, or Markdown extensions. The choice of method depends on your specific needs and the Markdown environment you are using. I hope this article helps you better understand how to create links that open in a new tab in Markdown.

Through the above content, you can learn about several methods to achieve opening links in a new tab with Markdown. This article not only provides practical technical guidance but also considers compatibility issues with different Markdown environments, making it suitable for SEO-optimized content publishing.