Understanding Markup and Markdown Worksheet

This worksheet introduces the definitions and formulas for markup and markdown, provides practical calculation exercises, and includes examples of HTML and Markdown syntax used in web development to help users grasp the basic concepts and applications.

Understanding Markup and Markdown Worksheet

"Explore our suite of free Markdown toolsto convert, format, and enhance your documents with ease."


Markup and markdown are essential concepts in both economics and web development, representing different types of formatting and pricing strategies. This worksheet will guide you through the basics of markup and markdown, providing clear definitions, differences, and practical examples.

What is Markup?


Markup refers to the increase in the selling price of a product. It is the amount added to the cost price of goods to cover overhead and profit. Markup is usually expressed as a percentage of the cost price.


The formula to calculate markup is:

Markup Percentage=(Selling Price−Cost PriceCost Price)×100Markup Percentage=(Cost PriceSelling Price−Cost Price)×100


If a product costs $50 and is sold for $70:

Markup Percentage=(70−5050)×100=40%Markup Percentage=(5070−50)×100=40%

What is Markdown?


Markdown refers to the reduction in the original selling price of a product. It is a decrease applied to the normal selling price to move sales, attract customers, or dispose of outdated inventory. Markdown is also expressed as a percentage, but of the original selling price.


The formula to calculate markdown is:

Markdown Percentage=(Original Selling Price−Discounted Selling PriceOriginal Selling Price)×100Markdown Percentage=(Original Selling PriceOriginal Selling Price−Discounted Selling Price)×100


If a product's original selling price is $100 and the discounted selling price is $80:

Markdown Percentage=(100−80100)×100=20%Markdown Percentage=(100100−80)×100=20%

Markup and Markdown in Web Development

Markup Languages

In web development, markup typically refers to markup languages such as HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and XML (eXtensible Markup Language). These languages use tags to define the structure and formatting of documents.

Example of HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Example Page</title>
    <h1>This is a Heading</h1>
    <p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Markdown Syntax

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor.

Example of Markdown:

# This is a Heading

This is a paragraph.

**Bold text**

*Italic text*

Practical Worksheet Exercises

Exercise 1: Calculating Markup

  1. A retailer buys a product for $150 and plans to sell it for $225. What is the markup percentage?

    Markup Percentage=(225−150150)×100=50%Markup Percentage=(150225−150)×100=50%

Exercise 2: Calculating Markdown

  1. A store is having a sale where a product originally priced at $200 is now being sold for $140. What is the markdown percentage?

    Markdown Percentage=(200−140200)×100=30%Markdown Percentage=(200200−140)×100=30%

Exercise 3: Writing HTML Markup

Create a simple HTML page with a heading, a paragraph, and a list.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Web Page</title>
    <h1>Welcome to My Web Page</h1>
    <p>This is a paragraph on my web page.</p>
        <li>First item</li>
        <li>Second item</li>
        <li>Third item</li>

Exercise 4: Writing Markdown

Format the following text using Markdown syntax:

Heading: My Markdown Document

Paragraph: This is a simple paragraph in my markdown document.

Bold Text: Important Note

Italic Text: Emphasis
# My Markdown Document

This is a simple paragraph in my markdown document.

**Important Note**



Understanding markup and markdown is vital for both economic calculations and web development. This worksheet provides basic definitions, formulas, examples, and practical exercises to help you grasp these concepts. Whether calculating pricing strategies or writing formatted documents, mastering markup and markdown will enhance your skills in multiple disciplines.