Using Markdown Variables

This article introduces methods for using variables in Markdown, covering techniques for variable replacement through template engines (e.g., Jekyll and Hugo), Pandoc, and custom scripts to improve document consistency and maintenance efficiency.

Using Markdown Variables

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Markdown is a simple and powerful markup language widely used for writing documents, blog posts, and technical documentation. However, the standard Markdown syntax does not support variables, meaning you cannot reuse the same content in different places. Using variables to manage repetitive content in long documents or multi-document projects can be extremely valuable. This article will explain how to implement variable functionality in Markdown through various tools and techniques.

What Are Markdown Variables?

Markdown variables refer to placeholders in a Markdown document that are replaced with specific values through particular methods. This approach can significantly improve document maintenance efficiency, especially when certain content needs to appear in multiple locations.

Implementation Methods

Using Template Engines

Some template engines, like Jekyll (used for GitHub Pages) and Hugo, support using variables in Markdown. Here is an example using Jekyll:

  1. Define variables in the _config.yml file of a Jekyll project:

    title: "My Awesome Site"
    description: "This is a description of my awesome site"
  2. Use these variables in your Markdown files:

    # {{ site.title }}
    {{ site.description }}

    Jekyll will replace these placeholders with actual values during the static site generation process.

Using Pandoc

Pandoc is a powerful document conversion tool that supports using variables in Markdown. You can define variables in a separate YAML file and specify these variables in the Pandoc command:

  1. Create a variables.yaml file to define variables:

    title: "My Pandoc Document"
    author: "John Doe"
  2. Use these variables in your Markdown file:

    % title
    % author
    # Introduction
    This is an example of using variables in a Pandoc markdown document.
  3. Apply the variables from the YAML file to the Markdown file using the Pandoc command:

    pandoc -d variables.yaml -o output.html

Using Custom Scripts

If you do not use a template engine or Pandoc, you can implement variable replacement with custom scripts. Here is a simple Python example:

  1. Create a variables.json file to define variables:

        "title": "My Custom Script Document",
        "author": "Jane Doe"
  2. Write a Python script to read this JSON file and replace variables in the Markdown file:

    import json
    # Read the JSON file
    with open('variables.json') as f:
        variables = json.load(f)
    # Read the Markdown file
    with open('') as f:
        content =
    # Replace variables
    for key, value in variables.items():
        content = content.replace(f'{{{{ {key} }}}}', value)
    # Write the replaced content to a new file
    with open('', 'w') as f:
  3. Use variable placeholders in your Markdown file:

    # {{ title }}
    Author: {{ author }}
    This is an example of using variables in a custom script.
  4. Run the Python script:



Although standard Markdown syntax does not support variables, you can effectively implement variable replacement in Markdown documents using template engines, Pandoc, or custom scripts. This can not only improve document consistency but also significantly reduce maintenance workload.