Using Mathematical Expressions in R Markdown: A Guide to R Markdown Math

Learn to integrate math in R Markdown using LaTeX. Explore inline & block expressions, common symbols, and advanced features like matrices and multi-line equations.

Using Mathematical Expressions in R Markdown: A Guide to R Markdown Math

"Why struggle with Markdown formatting? Our free tools make it easy to create beautiful, professional-looking documents in seconds."

R Markdown is a powerful tool that allows users to create dynamic documents by seamlessly integrating R code, text, and visual content. For academic research, data analysis reports, or technical documents that require the display of mathematical formulas, R Markdown provides a convenient way to embed mathematical expressions. This article will detail how to use mathematical expressions in R Markdown documents, including basic syntax, common symbols, and advanced features.

Basic Syntax

In R Markdown, mathematical expressions can be written using LaTeX syntax. LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system widely used in the scientific and mathematical fields for document production. Here are some basic mathematical expression syntaxes:

Inline Mathematical Expressions

To insert inline mathematical expressions within text, use a single dollar sign ($) to enclose the expression. For example:

This is an inline mathematical expression: $E=mc^2$.

Block-Level Mathematical Expressions

For mathematical expressions that need to be displayed independently, use double dollar signs ($$) to enclose the expression, or use the \[ \] or \begin{equation} \end{equation} environment. For example:

This is a block-level mathematical expression:


This is a block-level mathematical expression:

Common Mathematical Symbols

LaTeX provides a rich set of mathematical symbols and commands. Here are some examples of commonly used mathematical symbols:

  • Superscripts and subscripts: Use ^ and _. For example, $x^2$ and $a_i$.
  • Fractions: Use \frac{}{}. For example, $\frac{a}{b}$.
  • Square roots: Use \sqrt{}. For example, $\sqrt{x}$.
  • Summation and integration: Use \sum and \int. For example, $\sum_{i=1}^n x_i$ and $\int_a^b f(x) ,dx$.
  • Greek letters: Use \alpha, \beta, \gamma, etc. For example, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$.

Advanced Features

R Markdown also supports some advanced mathematical typesetting features, such as matrices, systems of equations, and multi-line formulas. Here are some examples:


Use the \begin{matrix} \end{matrix} environment to create matrices:

1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 5 & 6 \\
7 & 8 & 9

Systems of Equations

Use the \begin{cases} \end{cases} environment to create systems of equations:

x + y = 1 \\
x - y = 2

Multi-line Formulas

Use the \begin{align} \end{align} environment to create multi-line formulas:

x &= y + z \\
a &= b + c


The combination of R Markdown and LaTeX provides powerful support for the display of mathematical expressions. Whether it's simple formulas or complex mathematical structures, R Markdown can handle them with ease. Through this article, we hope readers can grasp the basic techniques of using mathematical expressions in R Markdown and apply them in practical work.

By reading this article, readers can learn how to use mathematical expressions in R Markdown, including basic syntax, common symbols, and advanced features. We hope this article helps readers make better use of R Markdown for displaying mathematical content and document production.