Using Mathematical Formulas in Markdown

Learn how to incorporate mathematical formulas in Markdown using LaTeX syntax. This guide covers inline and block formulas, uses MathJax for rendering, and provides examples and tips for clear, readable formats.

Using Mathematical Formulas in Markdown

"Explore our suite of free Markdown toolsto convert, format, and enhance your documents with ease."


Markdown is a lightweight markup language that's easy to use and popular for documentation. While Markdown is excellent for text formatting, incorporating mathematical formulas can be challenging. This article will guide you on how to use mathematical formulas in Markdown with the help of LaTeX and various tools.

Basic Syntax with LaTeX

LaTeX is a typesetting system that's widely used for mathematical and scientific documents. Markdown can render LaTeX syntax using specific tools or services. There are two primary ways to include LaTeX formulas in Markdown: inline and block.

Inline Formulas

For inline formulas, use single dollar signs.


This is an inline formula: \( E = mc^2 \)

Rendered as: This is an inline formula: ( E = mc^2 )

Block Formulas

For block formulas, use double dollar signs.


E = mc^2

Using MathJax

MathJax is a JavaScript display engine that produces high-quality mathematical typesetting in web pages.

Adding MathJax to Your Markdown File

  1. For Local Files or Web Pages: Include the MathJax script in your HTML file.
<script src="" async></script>
  1. For Markdown Renderers Supporting MathJax: Some platforms, like GitHub and Jupyter Notebooks, support MathJax natively. You simply need to write your LaTeX code as shown above.

Examples of Common Formulas

Here are a few examples of commonly used mathematical formulas.

Quadratic Formula


The quadratic formula is given by:
x = \frac{{-b \pm \sqrt{{b^2 - 4ac}}}}{{2a}}

Euler's Formula


Euler's formula: \( e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0 \)

Rendered as: Euler's formula: ( e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0 )



The integral of \( e^x \) is:
\int e^x \,dx = e^x + C

Tips for Using Formulas in Markdown

  1. Consistency: Stick to either inline or block formulas based on the context.
  2. Readability: Ensure that formulas are easy to read by spacing elements appropriately.
  3. Complex Expressions: Break down long equations into smaller parts if necessary.


Incorporating mathematical formulas in Markdown can significantly enhance your documents, especially for scientific and technical content. By leveraging LaTeX syntax and tools like MathJax, you can seamlessly integrate complex mathematical expressions into your Markdown files. I hope this article helps you better understand how to use formulas in Markdown.

I hope this article provides clear guidance on how to use mathematical formulas in Markdown!