WhatsApp Markdown: Formatting Guide

Format WhatsApp messages with bold (*text*), italic (*text*), strikethrough (~text~), and code blocks (`text`). Combine for complex styles. Ensure correct syntax and platform compatibility.

WhatsApp Markdown: Formatting Guide

"Need to convert or format Markdown? Check out our free tools– they're easy to use and always available."

WhatsApp, as one of the most popular instant messaging apps globally, not only offers a convenient way to communicate but also supports a certain level of text formatting to enhance the readability and expressiveness of messages. This text formatting feature is commonly referred to as "WhatsApp Markdown." This article will provide a detailed introduction to the usage of WhatsApp Markdown, helping users to better utilize this function to improve communication efficiency.

What is WhatsApp Markdown?

WhatsApp Markdown refers to the use of specific symbols and syntax within WhatsApp to format text, including bold, italic, strikethrough, and code blocks. These formatting options allow users to make their messages clearer and more organized, thereby improving the efficiency and quality of communication.

Basic Syntax of WhatsApp Markdown

Here are the basic syntaxes and usage examples of WhatsApp Markdown:

1. Bold

To bold text in WhatsApp, you can use asterisks (*) or underscores (_) to surround the text. For example:

  • *This is bold text* displays as This is bold text
  • _This is bold text_ displays as This is bold text

2. Italic

To italicize text in WhatsApp, you can use asterisks (*) or underscores (_) to surround the text. For example:

  • *This is italic text* displays as This is italic text
  • _This is italic text_ displays as This is italic text

3. Strikethrough

To add a strikethrough in WhatsApp, you can use tildes (~) to surround the text. For example:

  • ~This is strikethrough text~ displays as This is strikethrough text

4. Code Block

To display a code block in WhatsApp, you can use backticks (`) to surround the text. For example:

  • This is a code block displays as This is a code block

Combining WhatsApp Markdown

Users can combine different Markdown syntaxes to create more complex text formats. For example:

  • *This is bold text* _This is italic text_ ~This is strikethrough text~ displays as This is bold text This is italic text This is strikethrough text

Important Notes

When using WhatsApp Markdown, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Correct Symbol Usage: Ensure that the formatting symbols are correctly used at the beginning and end of the text, otherwise the text will not be formatted correctly.
  2. Symbol Escaping: If the text itself contains symbols like asterisks, underscores, or tildes, you can use a backslash () to escape them to avoid unintended formatting. For example: \*This is text\* displays as This is text.
  3. Compatibility: WhatsApp's Markdown feature is available on all platforms, but some older versions of WhatsApp may not support all formatting options.


WhatsApp Markdown is a simple yet powerful tool that can help users communicate more effectively in instant messaging. By mastering the basic syntaxes such as bold, italic, strikethrough, and code blocks, users can create more expressive and readable messages. Remember, correct symbol usage and combinations are key to leveraging the capabilities of WhatsApp Markdown. Whether for work communication or daily interactions, utilizing WhatsApp Markdown can make your messages clearer and more organized.